How Bodnar’s Auction Is Providing Safe Service and Helping People During Social Distancing
The current COVID-19 pandemic has required us all to make changes to the way we live our lives. Businesses are closing or operating differently, events are being put on hold, and people are spending more time inside to try and contain the spread of the virus. During these unprecedented times, events of all kinds are switching to online formats in an effort to keep people safe at home, and estate sales and auctions are no different.
At Bodnar’s Auction, we know that the coronavirus is temporarily changing protocols, but we believe it will never alter the American way of life. Businesses are still making sales online and through contactless methods, and modern technology has given us all the ability to communicate and stay together even while socially distancing. Through these challenging times, New Jersey’s largest auction house is committed to using technology to continue providing the same trustworthy auction services that people have come to know us for over the years.
Online-Only Bidding
At Bodnar’s, we have switched to an online-only auction format, allowing bidding and sales to continue while people remain safely at home.
In April alone, Bodnar’s has conducted three live online auctions, providing people with the opportunity to safely continue buying and selling art, antiques, vintage toys, and more through our trusted team of specialists. There’s a big difference between using Bodnar’s and any other online auction — our buyers and sellers depend on our team to provide quality control and expert advice regarding sales. When you buy or sell through Bodnar’s, you know you’re getting the best possible deal on an item that has been thoroughly inspected for quality and authenticity.
Consistently Good Business
In uncertain times, people like to lean on trusted names, and this is why Bodnar’s has continued to thrive. Each of our online auctions this past April has had over 2,000 registered buyers present, and more than 700 live bidders online. To ensure a great online buying experience for everyone involved, we have been utilizing the LiveAuctioneers platform to provide live video feed of each auction.
These online auctions are not what we’re used to, but they have been doing exceedingly well. Through the three April auctions, all the lots we had on deck were sold, and all sales were either within or better than the estimated projections.
Working to Serve Our Customers
As one of the most trusted local liquidation auction services in NJ, our customers count on the work we do. Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, Bodnar’s auction has maintained a steady commitment to providing contact-free sales and product delivery, and we have been working hard every day to make sure people get their items safely. Since online auctions began, Bodnar’s has handled and shipped over 500 packages to bidders in 10 different countries.
As long as social distancing protocols remain in effect, we will continue to provide safe, online bidding and contact-free shipping to all of our customers throughout the world. To learn more about what Bodnar’s is doing for people during the pandemic and year-round, call us today!